First Love is the fulfillment of a dream to connect women to Christ and to one another. Our desire is that women would be able to personally experience the love and beauty of Christ. In a culture where performance, fear and self-centeredness run rampant, we believe that the only way to true freedom is through the infinite work of Christ. As we choose to pursue knowing Him, rather than simply knowing about Him or doing things in His name, we will become truly alive.
Jesus is everything you need.

about Joelle
I grew up a preacher's kid. Holla! But in 2016, my foundation as a follower of Jesus was shaken when my brother was diagnosed with cancer. Although I had been a follower of Jesus my whole life, the next two and a half years would challenge everything I thought I had believed about God. In February 2019, with the passing of my brother, I found myself struggling with a debilitating fear of dying---my trust in a good God was all but gone. Over the next several months, God began to show me how my walk with Him relied so much on what other people told me about Him, what I heard about Him in sermons, or read about Him in devotionals.I had not truly gotten to know Him for myself and had not experienced many personal encounters with Him. When life's storms came, I didn't have a relationship with God strong enough to withstand the destruction they brought. You see, I realized I can't trust someone I don't know. I can't trust God to be good and loving even when hard things come solely because other people have told me that He is. I have to get to know Him for myself and have my own revelations and encounters with His love.
I realized that I was not the only one who relied on other's revelations of God. But why? Why do we not approach the throne of God boldly like it talks about in Hebrews? I have found that there are many reasons, but the two biggest ones I see are intimidation and fear. When I say intimidated, I mean that for many women, we haven't been given tools to approach God and to grow our relationship with him. We are told to spend time with God, but have no idea what that actually means or how it could really look. We fear that we don't have what it takes to really know God because maybe we aren't holy enough, don't have the right personality, aren't in church leadership, or haven't been a Christian for very long. And so we shy away from the one thing that Christ died on a cross to restore---a deep, authentic, loving, personal relationship with YOU.
So this is my heart and mission: to take the intimidation and fear out of women knowing God for themselves and to empower them to live fully present to their purpose on this earth.
about Candace

When Joelle asked me to write a little about myself there was one thing that kept coming to mind – I’m normal. I’m a normal woman just like you. I’ve experienced hard things and successes. I’ve made decisions I wish I could change. I’ve struggled with eating disorders, shame (loads of it), depression, insecurity, a miscarriage, and bad fashion choices. I could easily be found in your circle of friends or maybe it’s you that I’d identify with.
Here’s the thing, God has become my place of freedom. He’s released me from shame. He’s showing me who He created me to be.He is helping me walk in joy and shake off a troubled heart. God is growing my relationship with Him, teaching me to hear His voice, and developing a trust in Him. Like I said, I’m a normal woman. (What?!! These things aren’t just for the special, hyper-spiritual people?) My Friend, I want you to know that freedom, joy, fulfillment, and an amazing relationship with God are for normal women.
My heart is to encourage the everyday woman in her relationship with God. He wants to hang out with you, love on you, and talk to you about stuff. (And not just important stuff. I talk to Him about what to make for supper. Apparently, I struggle choosing between frozen pizza, boxed mac-n-cheese, and tacos. How did you guess I have kids? Two of them and a wonderful husband.)
I would love to grow in Christ alongside you and do life together: the ups and downs, the ugly cry, the I-think-I-peed-my-pants laugh, and everything in between.