You belong to God.
The Belong Journal was created to help women build a history with God. As women, it's easy to get caught up in taking care of those we belong to, whether it's our families, our jobs, or our relationships. It's important to remember that before we belong to anyone else, we belong to God. When we prioritize carving out space and time to build a history with Him, we truly become alive.
These 200 pages resemble a bullet-journal style scripture and prayer journal. The journal is divided into different sections to help you be more intentional in your prayers and scripture reading.
The sections include:
-Scripture Study
-Renew Your Mind
-Give Thanks
-Heart Cry
Each section begins with tips on how to use each one as well as helpful content to help you feel unintimidated about studying the Bible.

"The Belong Journal Scripture part is my favorite because it really helps me think about what I'm reading and really helps me get the most out of it. Before I started using it, I really has a hard time applying Scripture to my life because I was just reading it to say I read it, not really knowing how to study it."
— Brittany

"I love the Belong Journal! The structure helps me use every moment of my time with Jesus in such a well-thought out way. I love the way the prayer section is broken up and explained. It has been so helpful!"
— Kim
giving back.
A portion of our proceeds go to a mission that is very close to Joelle's heart: Loma de Luz. Loma de Luz is a mission hospital located in rural Honduras where Joelle and her husband served for over a year. They not only provide medical care to natives who would not otherwise have it, but also have a children's school and home. You can learn more about Hospital Loma de Luz here.